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Raising a young black boy in North America today means fear, faith and hope that change will come: Asha Tomlinson

In the wake of the recent death of George Floyd while in police custody, protests are ongoing in the United States, Canada, and all over the world.
As Marketplace co–host Asha Tomlinson writes in this incisive essay “the events of the past week have been all-consuming and overwhelming,” especially as the mother of a young black boy. But she still has faith in a better future. Read more
Canadian Transportation Agency overwhelmed by two-year backlog of nearly 14,000 air travel complaints

If you’re still waiting for a response to an air travel complaint you filed with the CTA, you’re hardly alone. The organization is wrestling with a backlog of complaints accumulated over the past two years. At the same time, thousands of Canadians are demanding the agency help get their money back from flights cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More
Hand sanitizer in wine bottles has some experts worried
It’s great that breweries and distilleries are answering the call for more hand sanitizer, but experts are warning that packaging the sanitizer in wine or beer bottles could be dangerous. Read more
Customers who unknowingly paid for credit card insurance frustrated banks won’t show proof they signed up
Years after Marketplace first reported on Canadians unknowingly being charged for credit card insurance they say they never signed up for, more consumers are seeking restitution. Some have been successful, while others have had to fight tooth and nail to get refunds. Read more
What else is going on?
Canada’s only rice mill running 24/7 during pandemic
While food service business has plummeted, retail sales are up 75 per cent at Dainty Foods.
Influential Lancet hydroxychloroquine study retracted by three authors
Three of the authors of an influential article that found hydroxychloroquine increased the risk of death in…
Read More: Asha Tomlinson on raising a black boy; 2-year air travel complaint backlog